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Home Loan Prepayment Calculator : Calculate Prepayment Savings Now

Home loan prepayment refers to the process of paying off your mortgage before the scheduled end date. This can be done either partially or in full, allowing borrowers to reduce their overall interest payments, shorten the loan tenure, or both.

Navigating the complexities of home loan management can be a daunting task. This is where Credit Dharma’s Home Loan Prepayment Calculator becomes an indispensable tool. It helps homeowners understand how prepayment can impact their loan’s tenure and the total interest payable. This blog will delve into the nuances of this calculator, ensuring you have all the information needed to make informed decisions.

What is Home Loan Prepayment?

Many homeowners have home loans to finance their home purchase. A home loan prepayment refers to making additional payments toward your home loan principal before it is due. Prepaying your home loan can allow you to pay off your home loan faster and potentially save thousands of dollars in interest costs over the life of the loan.

There are a few different ways you can prepay your home loan. Most lenders allow you to make extra payments toward your principal each month when you make your regular payment. You can also make one-time lump sum payments anytime to be applied directly to your principal balance. Some lenders may charge prepayment penalties, so be sure to check if special rules or fees apply with your lender before prepaying.

Factors Influencing Home Loan Prepayment

The decision to prepay a home loan is influenced by a variety of factors, including interest rates, loan tenure, and your financial health and goals. By carefully considering these aspects, you can make a decision that not only saves you money but also aligns with your overall financial strategy. Always consider consulting with a financial advisor to ensure that your decision to prepay fits well within your broader financial plan.

Impact of Interest Rates

Interest rates play a pivotal role in the decision to prepay a home loan.

Before considering prepayment, compare your current home loan interest rate with the prevailing market rates. If your loan’s rate is significantly higher, prepayment can be a wise financial decision. However, if rates have fallen and you have the option to refinance at a lower rate, refinancing might be a more beneficial strategy than prepayment.

Impact of Loan Tenure

The remaining tenure of your home loan is another critical factor. Prepaying early in the loan term can significantly reduce the total interest paid because loan payments are typically front-loaded with interest. If you’re closer to the end of your loan tenure, the interest savings from prepayment will be less, as you’ve already paid the majority of the interest due.

Talking about financial health and liquidity

Evaluate your financial stability before opting for prepayment. Ensure you have a robust emergency fund, ideally covering 6-12 months of living expenses, and that you’re on track with other financial goals, such as retirement savings.

Anticipate any significant future expenses, such as education costs, home renovations, or health-related expenditures. If such expenses are on the horizon, maintaining liquidity might be more beneficial than locking funds away in home loan prepayment.

Importance of prepaying your home loan

Understanding the importance of home loan prepayment involves examining its benefits and how it can positively impact your financial journey. Below, we explore the key advantages of choosing to prepay your home loan –

Interest SavingsPrepaying your home loan reduces the outstanding principal amount, which in turn decreases the total interest payable over the loan’s tenure. This can lead to significant savings, particularly if the prepayment is made early in the loan term.
Loan Tenure ReductionPrepayment can shorten the duration of your loan, allowing you to become debt-free sooner. This is especially beneficial for those looking to reduce their financial liabilities before major life events or retirement.
Improved Credit ScoreMaking prepayments on your home loan demonstrates financial responsibility and can positively impact your credit score. A higher credit score improves your eligibility for future loans and can secure you better terms.
Increased Home EquityPrepayment increases the equity you hold in your home, which is the difference between the property’s market value and the outstanding loan amount. Higher equity provides financial flexibility, including the option to secure loans against the property if needed.
Financial FreedomReducing or eliminating debt early can provide a sense of financial freedom and security. It frees up monthly income that was previously allocated to loan repayments, allowing for greater flexibility in budgeting and investment decisions.
Peace of MindOwning your home outright offers peace of mind and emotional benefits. It eliminates the stress associated with debt and long-term financial commitments, contributing to overall well-being and life satisfaction.
Flexibility in Financial PlanningWith the loan repaid, you have more flexibility in your financial planning. You can redirect funds that were previously used for loan repayment towards other financial goals, such as retirement savings, children’s education, or investment opportunities.

Understanding these benefits can help homeowners make informed decisions about prepayment and how it fits into their overall financial strategy. While the advantages are compelling, it’s crucial to consider your individual financial situation, goals, and the potential implications of prepayment before proceeding.

The Mechanics of the Home Loan Prepayment Calculator

This calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to help you gauge the benefits of loan prepayment. By inputting details like loan amount, tenure, interest rate, instalments paid, and prepayment amount, the calculator provides an overview of how much interest you will save and the new loan tenure.

Key Inputs for the Calculator:
  • Loan Amount: The total amount borrowed.
  • Tenure: The original duration of the loan.
  • Rate of Interest: The interest rate applied to your loan.
  • Instalments Paid: The number of EMIs paid till date.
  • Prepayment Amount: The amount you wish to prepay.

Upon entering these details, simply click “Calculate” to see the revised loan structure.

How the Credit Dharma Home Loan Prepayment Calculator Works

Let’s illustrate the use of this calculator with an example. A Borrower had taken a home loan of Rs.1 Crore for 20 years tenure at 9% interest rate p.a. the user has already paid 12 EMI’s. Now the user wants to prepay a lumpsum amount of 2 Lakh rupees as a prepayment.

  • Loan Amount: Rs.1 Crore
  • Tenure: 20 years
  • Interest Rate: 9% p.a.
  • Instalments Passed: 12
  • Prepayment Amount: Rs.2 lakh

The calculator will show you the reduced EMI or the new shortened tenure, for this case the Calculator will show you

Total Interest Saved On Loan: Rs.8,47,731
EMI Tenure is reduced by: 12 months

Eligibility for Home Loan Prepayment

Most individuals can make full or partial prepayments on their home loans. However, lender policies vary, and some may restrict prepayment to minimize their losses. It’s crucial to check your loan agreement for any prepayment clauses or penalties.

Home Loan Prepayment Charges

The Reserve Bank of India has set forth guidelines for banks and housing finance companies regarding prepayment charges:

When Prepayment Charges Apply:

  • Non-Individual Borrowers: Banks may impose penalties.
  • Fixed-Rate Loans: Charges applicable by banks and HFCs.
  • Dual-Rate Loans: Banks can levy charges if prepayment occurs during the fixed-rate period.

When Prepayment Charges Do Not Apply:

  • Floating-Rate Loans: Banks cannot charge penalties.
  • Prepayment with Own Funds: HFCs cannot impose charges if prepayment is made with personal funds.
  • Dual-Rate Loans (Floating Period): No charges during the floating-rate tenure.

Pros and Cons of Prepaying your home loan

Home loan prepayment can be an attractive option for many homeowners, offering the promise of interest savings and reduced debt. However, like any financial decision, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of Home Loan Prepayment

  • Interest Savings: By reducing the principal amount earlier than scheduled, you decrease the total interest paid over the life of the loan.
  • Reduced Loan Tenure: Prepayment can shorten the duration of your loan, allowing you to become debt-free sooner than anticipated.
  • Peace of Mind: Paying off debt early can provide emotional and psychological benefits, including reduced stress and increased financial security.

Cons of Home Loan Prepayment

  • Opportunity Cost: The funds used for prepayment could be invested elsewhere with a potentially higher return. This is especially true in low-interest-rate environments where the cost of borrowing is cheap, and investment opportunities may yield greater returns.
  • Liquidity Concerns: Prepaying a home loan reduces your liquid assets, which could be problematic in case of an emergency or unforeseen financial needs. Maintaining liquidity is important for financial flexibility and security.
  • Loss of Tax Benefits: For some borrowers, the interest paid on a home loan is tax-deductible, reducing their overall tax liability. Prepaying the loan reduces the amount of deductible interest, which could lead to a higher tax bill for some homeowners.

How to Plan for a Home Loan Prepayment

Planning for a home loan prepayment involves a strategic approach to managing your finances, ensuring that you can make additional payments towards your loan without compromising your financial stability.

This section provides a step-by-step guide to effectively plan for home loan prepayment, helping you achieve the goal of paying off your mortgage early while maintaining financial health.

Budgeting for Prepayment

Assess Your Monthly Finances

Start by taking a comprehensive look at your monthly income and expenses. Identify areas where you can cut back on non-essential spending to free up more money for loan prepayment. Creating a detailed budget can help you track your spending and find opportunities to save.

Set Aside Funds for Prepayment

Once you’ve identified potential savings, allocate a specific amount of money each month towards your home loan prepayment. Consider setting up a separate savings account for this purpose to avoid the temptation to spend these funds elsewhere.

Setting Prepayment Milestones

Establish Prepayment Goals

Set clear, achievable milestones for your prepayment efforts. For example, aim to reduce the loan tenure by a certain number of years or to reach a specific principal amount by a predetermined date. These goals will keep you motivated and focused on your prepayment plan.

Monitor Your Progress

Regularly review your loan statements to monitor your progress towards your prepayment milestones. Seeing the principal amount decrease and knowing you’re getting closer to your goal can be incredibly rewarding and motivate further savings.

Consultation with Financial Advisors

Seek Professional Advice

Before making significant prepayments, it’s wise to consult with a financial advisor. They can help you assess the impact of prepayment on your overall financial plan, including tax implications, investment opportunities, and your emergency fund adequacy.

Tailor Your Prepayment Plan

A financial advisor can help you tailor your prepayment plan to your specific financial situation. They can advise on how much to prepay and when, considering your other financial goals and obligations.

Additional Strategies for Prepayment

Utilize Windfalls Wisely

Any unexpected financial windfalls, such as bonuses, tax refunds, or inheritances, can be directed towards your home loan prepayment. These amounts can make a significant impact on reducing your loan balance and interest payments over time.

Incremental Prepayment Approach

If large prepayments are not feasible, consider making smaller, more frequent additional payments. Even modest extra payments can lead to significant interest savings and a shorter loan tenure over time.

Considerations Before Making a Home Loan Prepayment

Before opting for prepayment, consider the following:

  1. Age Factor: If nearing retirement, prepaying is advisable to avoid post-retirement financial stress.
  2. Future Cash Needs: Assess your upcoming financial requirements to ensure prepayment doesn’t deplete your savings.
  3. Tax Benefits: Prepayment might affect your eligibility for tax deductions on home loans.
  4. Interest Savings: Calculate the total interest savings to determine if prepayment is financially beneficial.
  5. Investment Opportunities: Compare potential investment returns with savings from prepayment.


Home loan prepayment can be a wise financial decision under the right circumstances. By understanding the factors involved, calculating the benefits, and planning accordingly, homeowners can save on interest, reduce loan tenure, and achieve financial freedom sooner.

The Credit Dharma Home Loan Prepayment Calculator is a powerful tool for managing your home loan effectively. By understanding and utilizing this calculator, you can make strategic decisions that align with your financial goals.

Before prepaying, prioritize high interest debts and ensure you have a fully funded emergency fund. But if you want to pay off your home faster or reduce interest costs, strategically prepaying your home loan can accelerate your path to owning your home free and clear. Consult with a financial advisor to map the best prepayment plan for your situation.


What distinguishes home loan repayment from prepayment?

Repaying a home loan refers to settling the entire loan amount. Prepayment, on the other hand, involves paying off a portion of the loan ahead of schedule.

Does making partial payments affect the home loan EMI?

Yes, making partial payments typically leads to a reduction in the monthly EMI of the home loan.

How does a home loan EMI calculator differ from a prepayment calculator?

While a home loan EMI calculator estimates your monthly loan payments, a prepayment calculator shows how these payments change if you pay off part of your loan early. It also calculates potential savings from such prepayments.

Is it advisable to make partial payments on a home loan?

Making partial payments on your home loan can be beneficial as it may reduce either the loan’s tenure or the monthly EMI.

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